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Texas Roadhouse Grilled Shrimp (2024)

Texas Roadhouse Grilled Shrimp (2024)

Texas Roadhouse Grilled Shrimp

Texas Roadhouse Grilled Shrimp is a delectable dish featuring succulent shrimp seasoned and grilled to perfection. Served hot off the grill, these shrimp are flavorful and pair perfectly with seasoned rice or fresh vegetables. With its smoky aroma and mouthwatering taste, this dish is a favorite among seafood lovers and a must-try on the Texas Roadhouse menu. Texas Roadhouse Grilled Shrimp will surely hit the spot if you’re craving a light and flavorful meal or looking to satisfy your seafood cravings.

How to Make Garlic Butter Shrimp Skillet: A Simple and Quick

I’m happy to share this quick and simple garlic butter shrimp recipe with you today. Here are the supplies you’ll need before we begin: One pound of shrimp with tails on, four cloves of garlic, dry parsley, and a mix of seasonings including paprika, ground black pepper, lemon pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, Italian seasoning, and salt. Drizzle the shrimp with oil first, then liberally season them with the herbs.

Combine all ingredients and sear shrimp in avocado oil in a skillet that has been warmed. They are ready to be turned over and cooked for an additional minute on the other side after they are golden brown and the tails have become pink. The shrimp should be taken out of the skillet and placed aside. Stir in a stick of unsalted butter.

Texas Roadhouse Grilled Shrimp Quick & Easy Recipe

Texas Roadhouse Grilled Shrimp Quick & Easy Recipe

That was a delightful recipe demonstration for garlic butter shrimp! Here's a recap of the ingredients and steps for anyone who wants to try it out:
Prep Time 15 minutes
Course Appetizer
Cuisine American


  • Skillet or Frying Pan
  • Mixing Bowl
  • Kitchen Tongs
  • Knife
  • Cutting Board
  • Measuring Spoons
  • Cooking Spoon or Spatula
  • Stove
  • Garlic Press (optional)


  • 1 pound of shrimp (with tails on)
  • 4 cloves of garlic, minced
  • Dry parsley
  • Onion powder
  • Garlic powder
  • Paprika
  • Ground black pepper
  • Lemon pepper
  • Italian seasoning
  • Salt
  • 1 stick of unsalted butter
  • Avocado oil (for cooking)


  • Preparation: Drizzle a bit of oil over the shrimp and mix.Season the shrimp with onion powder, garlic powder, paprika, ground black pepper, lemon pepper, Italian seasoning, and salt. Mix well.
  • Cooking Shrimp: Heat a skillet and add 2-3 tablespoons of avocado oil.Cook the seasoned shrimp for about 1 minute per side until golden brown, and the tails turn pink. Flip halfway through.
  • Making Garlic Butter Sauce: In the same skillet, melt one stick of unsalted butter.Add minced garlic and cook for about 30 seconds.Stir in dry parsley.Add the cooked shrimp back into the skillet and toss to coat evenly with the garlic butter sauce.
  • Final Touch:Turn off the stove and ensure the shrimp are well-coated with the sauce.


Texas Roadhouse Grilled Shrimp Appetizer

A delicious appetizer that features perfectly seasoned succulent grilled shrimp is the Texas Roadhouse Grilled Shrimp appetizer. Every bite delivers a taste explosion and is served with seasoned rice. This appetizer from Texas Roadhouse is a great way to begin your meal, whether you’re a seafood lover or just in the mood for something savory.




Nutrient Amount
Calories 350
Calories from Fat 170
Total Fat (g) 19
Saturated Fat (g) 6
Trans Fat (g) 0
Cholesterol (mg) 110
Sodium (mg) 1,530
Total Carbohydrates (g) 29
Dietary Fiber (g) 1
Sugars (g) 4
Protein (g) 18
  • Price: $7.99
  • Description: Seasoned shrimp drizzled with garlic lemon pepper butter and served on toasted fresh-baked bread




The price for the Grilled Shrimp at Texas Roadhouse is $7.99.

To make Texas Roadhouse-style grilled shrimp, marinate large shrimp in olive oil, minced garlic, and lemon pepper seasoning. Grill until pink and serve brushed with garlic butter sauce. Enjoy as an appetizer or main dish with your favourite sides.



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